3. Getting Started

The Gort controller is the core Gort service. It relays messages to and from the chat providers, manages relay command instructions, and exposes the REST administration API. See Architecture for more information.

This guide will instruct you through the process of configuring, installing, running, and bootstrapping the Gort controller.

3.1. Configuring Gort

Gort is configured via a single YAML-formatted configuration file, typically called config.yml, which is used to describe everything from database and chat provider settings to default command bundles.

If the configuration file is changed, Gort can be instructed to “hot reload” its by sending it a SIGHUP or issuing a GET request to its v2/reload/ endpoint. If the new configuration is not well-formed, the changes will not be applied.


See Configuring Gort for more detail.

3.2. Deploying Gort

Gort can be installed in a variety of ways: it can be run as a standalone binary, or as a Docker container, or in Kubernetes.


See Deploying Gort for more detail.

3.3. Bootstrapping Gort

Once Gort is deployed, the database must be set up and the initial administration user defined, a process referred to as “bootstrapping”. Once Gort is properly bootstrapped, the administrator will be able to manage users, install and enable command bundles, and more.


See Bootstrapping Gort for more detail.